New Paragraph
New Paragraph
New Dawn Rising Films Features
And When He Heard It
Elijah knew The LORD. He knew Him so well, that he could tell when He was in something and when He was not. This has been my favorite part of his story since childhood.
St. Patrick
Surprisingly, few know the amazing story of this man. Based on his own words in "The Confession of St. Patrick" we put together a short film to share it with others.
New Paragraph
Music Video
The following are a compilation of my Music Video Adventures exploring my skills and abilities.
to the Son of David
was inspired by the lack of children's celebratory Palm Sunday songs about the Triumphal Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. The children were noted in scripture to be shouting, yet there are few songs for kids today that express that. As I thought on that, this little melody came to me and I jotted it down, and later developed this song! Enjoy and feel free to share!
But for you!
This was a work in progress for three and a half years but is well worth the time! Three trips were made to the Dunes as I learned how to get the angles I wanted and the speed and film settings needed, as well as good weather! The theme was one I had in mind and became more meaningful this last year. I hope those who see, and listen are encouraged as I have been!
I also learned to play the Electric Guitar since there is no way to synthesize the stroke and rhythm I had in mind. While working on it, I realized I needed a vocal chorus, so I learned how to create the parts, perform each one and pan the parts left to right. Grab a pair of headphones or ear buds to get the full sense of the soundscape and enjoy!
And When He Heard It
A Walk Through
Psalm 23
By way of Multi-Language Translation
Having always loved languages, I have found a new joy in discovering the depth that similar words from different languages can bring to reading Scripture and wanted to share this through song. This is also the first melody to Scripture that I have composed.
A prayer with the longing for restoration, for our world, our lives, our spiritual connection with the Maker of the Universe! A combination of an ancient song with an additional original verse.
Achieve A Dream
Sometimes we can get discouraged on our journey, but it's worth the persistence to see the dream become a reality!
is about the journey we embark when we seek to reach our dreams. It can be rough at times, but the journey and how we grow along the way is just as important as reaching our ultimate goal!